Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:00pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below </p>

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Stores Location

Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:00pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below </p>

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Let's Zen out together

19 January 2025

8.00 am Sunday 23 February

Are you looking for a way to relieve stress and improve your overall health and wellness?

Join us for free ‘Slow Flow’ yoga on the sunny courtyard inside ECQ Social. Slow Flow is an all-level yoga so whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, everyone is welcome. Our certified yoga instructor, Jennifer Trimboli from Asana Flow Yoga will guide you through a series of yoga poses that will help you relax, stretch, and strengthen your body.

All you need to bring is a positive attitude and we’ll supply the rest including a Yoga Mat and a free coffee afterwards! 


For more information you can contact Centre Management on 02 9767 2840 or email

Please note:
-  If you arrive and we're at full capacity, you'll receive priority access to next month's session and still enjoy a complimentary coffee at The Shed Cafe.
- If there is rain on the night before or a forecast of rain on the day, the physical session may be cancelled. In this case, the session will be moved to an online Zoom session, and the meeting ID will be provided beforehand to all registered participants. We advise all booked participants to check their emails for any updates.
- This yoga session is only intended for individuals who are 13 years of age or older. Our instructor is only qualified to teach adults and is not trained to work with children. Therefore, we ask that all attendees are at least 13 years old and capable of participating in an adult-level yoga class.
- Limited spots available, so reserve your place now. Please arrive 15 minutes before your session. 

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