Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:00pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below </p>

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Stores Location

Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:00pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below </p>

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Welcome to ECQ Outlet

18 July 2024

We're pleased to announce that the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for ECQ Outlet has been successfully approved, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to delivering a remarkable shopping experience.

We have appointed renowned contractors to bring ECQ Outlet to life. Moits, a leading Sydney-based civil and construction contractor, will be undertaking bulk earthworks, while Buildcorp, an award-winning construction company, will be our main building contractor.

What is ECQ Outlet?

ECQ Outlet will complement the already established Eastern Creek Quarter precinct and feature up to 100 brands in a large-scale ‘outlet retail’ concept. Our plans for ECQ Outlet go beyond outlet shopping and is set to include a range of cafés, restaurants, entertainment, and leisure experiences. 

We are very excited about the expansion of ECQ Social, which will remain an interconnected outdoor entertainment precinct whilst creating a seamless cohesion between ECQ Shopping Centre, ECQ XL and ECQ Outlet.

Stay tuned for updates

As construction progresses, we'll be providing regular updates here. We understand that the development of ECQ Outlet may impact individuals in various ways. Rest assured, we are mindful of this responsibility and are committed to minimising disruptions while prioritising safety and well-being

Works will commence on Monday, February 3, to connect ECQ Social to the new ECQ Outlet, opening in 2026. As part of this, the playground is partially closed, but full access will return in March.

ECQ & ECQ Social remain open as usual, and we’re taking steps to minimise disruptions while we bring you Western Sydney’s first outlet shopping destination!

We value your feedback and would like to hear from you about the upcoming ECQ Outlet. To contact the team, you can:
- Email the team via 
- Contact the call centre on 13 38 38  
- Contact through the Postal address, Level 2, 1C Homebush Bay Drive, Rhodes, NSW 2138

For more information on this development, including all statutory approvals and related plans, click HERE

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